Common questions

How does the development contribute to the wider city centre?
The proposals will regenerate a prominent site in Leicester City Centre which has been carefully designed to complement its surroundings whilst delivering much needed new homes in the city. The scheme, therefore, forms part of the urban renaissance in this part of Leicester; bringing forward modern new living accommodation to create a highly sustainable new neighbourhood.
It is anticipated that the residents of the new scheme will make a significant social and financial contribution to the area as they settle in and utilise local businesses, services and facilities in their day to day lives.
How will residents get to and from the new scheme?
The scheme is in a highly sustainable location on the edge of Leicester City Centre. Residents will be able to walk and cycle to most of the local destinations which they visit on a daily basis, including leisure and recreational opportunities. There are also numerous employment opportunities within walking/ cycling distance including businesses within the city centre, the hospital, and university sites.
In addition to walking and cycling the site is highly accessible by public transport with the existing bus and railway station being in close proximity.
The scheme offers a genuine opportunity to enjoy the best of car free urban living.
How does the proposed building respond positively to its surroundings?
This part of Leicester is rich with cultural and historic assets. Listed buildings around the site celebrate the city’s history and industrial past. These assets include the old city walls, historic pubs, and buildings designed and built for the clothing trade. St Margaret’s Church is also a very important local landmark which anchors this part of Leicester in the wider cityscape.
Nevertheless, the Mansfield Street area has suffered from some unsympathetic development in the past, including the existing Matalan store on site which adds little to the character, vibrancy, and vitality of the area.
The scheme has been carefully designed, in dialogue with LCC, in respect of its scale and material finishes to ensure that the development assimilates with its surroundings and makes a very positive contribution to this area of the City Centre. The scheme celebrates the best of the area’s history whilst simultaneously trailblazing its future as a vibrant new neighbourhood.
What are your plans for the current Matalan building?
The existing building would be demolished completely to make way for the new scheme.
This is in association with the demolition of numerous other unsightly buildings within the vicinity of the site and is part of the ongoing renaissance of the area.
How will the building operate?
Once complete, the building would be managed by a specialist firm of building managers. A 24-hour concierge service would operate from the ground floor. Visitor access and parking, deliveries and maintenance would all be overseen by the building managers.
What happens next?
The consultee responses will be reviewed and taken into consideration when finalising the proposals. It is anticipated that a planning application will be submitted to Leicester City Council in due course.
The planning application will then be in the hands of the Local Planning Authority which, amongst other matters, will publicise the application and seek formal responses to it. This is a separate process to the consultation exercise we are carrying out in advance of submission.
The outcome of the planning application is a matter for the Local Planning Authority, and once submitted the Council will have 13 weeks in which to determine the planning application.
If planning permission is granted we will move swiftly to commence the construction phase. The scheme will be built in accordance with the latest industry guidelines around minimising the impact of existing construction projects on communities. We will hold future consultation exercises at that time to capture the views and any concerns that local residents may have.
We are confident that the scheme proposed will make a significant contribution to the future success of both the local area, and of Leicester as a whole.